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Moon Palace - 1st lesson

After several months of excitement, we finally get to study Moon Palace by Paul Auster. We started this new year by watching a French interview of Paul Auster, who speaks French well, in a show called "Apostrophe" in the 90s. In this interview, Paul Auster answers to questions of the host and literary critics, and he confronts their opinions on his work.
We had to summarise the French interview into English as if we had to explain it to a non-French speaker. 

Here is the link of the French interview :

Then, we focused on Paul Auster's writing and what the steps of a great writing are according to him. For example, he believes that you must write with passion, we must put our ego aside and be patient because sometimes inspiration doesn't come as fast as we want it to be.
Finally, we learnt that in the United States, being a writer is a job and you can undergo some training. 

Here is the link of the article of Paul Auster's tips to young writers :

Moreover, we interested ourselves in Paul Auster's biography and his other successful books : 


After spending a moment on Paul Auster's life, we got to know his opinion on being a writer thanks to a quote he wrote in his 1996 book Hand to Mouth : 

"Becoming a writer is not 'career decision' like becoming a doctor or a policeman. You don't choose it so much as get chosen, and once you accept the fact that you're not fit for anything else, you have to be prepared to walk a long, hard road for the rest of your days".

To conclude the lesson, we dove into a short summary of Moon Palace that we should have done with a MCQ on an online platform called 'Socrative'. Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, we decided to do the summary on paper. 



  1. Thank you for making this blog! The links you have put were very useful to me in order to know a bit more about the author. Keep going!

  2. Congrats to you all, young authors in the making! ;-) You're learning from one of the best!


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